And the internet is better...why?

I just called in to consolate my student loans before the June 30th deadline (the interest rates are going up tomorrow).

Yes I'm a procrastinator. But in my defense, I tried to do it online a couple of days ago and got some sort of session timeout error. No problem, I figured. I'll take care of it later. Today's the deadline, so I logged back on tonight. Or rather, I tried to. Their server was totally pegged. After numerous attempts, I just gave up.

Instead, I called the Student Loan phone line, helpfully open until midnight PST today. After waiting on hold for 20 minutes or so, a nice, helpful woman got my basic information (far, far less than is asked for on the web form) and locked me in for today's intrest rate. They'll send me the rest of the paperwork in the mail.

What good is this internet thing, again?